Dominion Steelcon offers compulsory inspections of industrial chimneys according to EN 13084-1:2007 in order to control and estimate the stability of the chimney, to extend the life time of the chimney, as well as to detect the need for repair.
It is not only important to inspect one's industrial steel chimney(s) to observe the EN norm that prescribes regular and preferably 2nd yearly inspections to ensure the stability of the chimney but also in order to catch potential repair work in time before it escalates and gets too extensive and hence cost intense.
Every inspection includes a professional visual inspection documented with photos, ultrasound measurements as well as an estimation of the stability of the chimney. All this is gathered in a detailed report which concludingly adds our professional proposals to possible required/recommended repair works, surface treatments- and maintenance. Steelcon can quote for these jobs also as specialists in this area too. Steelcon focuses on only offering necessary and required repair works as it implies costs for the customer. Steelcon however obviously also quotes for jobs which is requested by the customer itself.
The report describes the inspection of the structural part and the flue gas leading part of the steel chimney. During the inspection, the base part, shell, ladder, platform(s), surface treatment, possible flange connections and emission sampling ports are examined.
The inspection of the flue gas leading part includes among others the liner bottom, flue gas inlet and top. The inspection can also be extended by means of a crane with a man basket by which the inspector can be lowered down inside the liner in order to control the inner liner in its full lenght including ultrasound Measurement each 5 meters as on the outer shell. This is typical only to be recommended if indications exist that the state of the liner is critical.
The following is hence carried out through an inspection of the steel chimney:
Inspections as well as repair work of ducts and other parts "close to the chimney" can also be included. Please contact us to discuss.
Dominion Steelcon also carries out inspections and repair works on brick- and concrete chimneys in co-operation with specialists on this field. Please do not hesitate to contact us for more information / request quotation.